Home » Learn Cheerleading » Cheerleading Tips » Herkie: Cheerleader How To & Tips for Perfect Jumps and Splits, Cheer with Inez

Herkie: Cheerleader How To & Tips for Perfect Jumps and Splits, Cheer with Inez

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  1. People act like it’s so easy well its not it’s hard for people to get there
    leg up we all started from nothing and I think she did awesome so if you
    want to judge people why don’t u judge your self to you might have the
    problems u think she has which is not true so stop hating and get a life

  2. Why is she showing everyone how to do a herkie if she doesn’t even have a
    good herkie? That’s like me telling everyone how to get a split when I
    can’t even do one myself.

  3. is this not like more of a hurdle than a herkie? :/ this doesn’t look right
    at all

  4. Your herkie isn’t even that good and your arm motions are wrong.

  5. I notice that your arm motions are not as sharp and strong as they should
    be. And this is just a tip. Practice hitting each motion and staying like
    that for a 8 count. It helped me a a lot. And before anyone tries to say I
    am being cocky, or saying I’m better. The prep is fine, it’s just the arm
    motions could be stronger, and she looks capable. 

  6. Why did u add that disgusting picture at the end tho

  7. you are doing the arm motions wrong

  8. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work. You are really an encouragement
    to me. 

  9. I watch this video every day but I can’t do it right……..please write
    back Inez…..thank you!

  10. Thx

  11. People are rude she is doing her best and she is taking time for people to
    help them.

  12. Her jumps are low..

  13. ok. these work for some people but you really need more practice at it
    because your chest is supposed to touch your knee and you need to go WAYYY
    higher and this is coming from a beginning cheerleader and mine are better
    than that

  14. Thank you I know how to do it now

  15. umm.. that is a HORRIBLE jump! that is not even close on how you put your

  16. This video really helped me. A lot!!!!!!

  17. You have nice and sexy legs!! You’re hot!

  18. i don’t get why cheerleaders that have been cheering for so long judging
    everyone, you put every beginner down out here. sure her leg isn’t high
    enough, but that doesn’t mean you have to say she sucks. it’s so annoying,
    i’m a beginner and i thought she did pretty good, i can’t even get leg up.
    not everyone can be hyperextended.

  19. this looks more like a hurdler and no its not perfect! :) coming from a
    cheerleader these jumps are so bad… you wouldnt ever make my team with
    these terrible jumps, sorry but its the truth.

  20. Dont double jump! !?

  21. im going to be in forth grade in augest and i will be a cheerleader

  22. instend of herkie i thoght she said hikie

  23. I wish I was a chearleader

  24. she made the team?