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State Competition Cheer! ACCIDENT! D:

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  1. ugghhh you should continue recording… lol, i want to know what happened
    to her next…. I felt bad for her… but why they stop their routine? they
    can continue the routine (without that “falling” flyer)

  2. The thing is my coach said to ALWAYS scoot in never back out and our flyer
    won’t hit the floor and we learned from our mistake from backing out one
    time those bases backed out 

  3. I’m a front spot and people talk BS saying we aren’t important and that we
    are only in the way. But here’s the thing, a front spot would’ve kept up
    the stunt. We are important!!!!
    So for all of those front spots out there, I speak for you. Please don’t

  4. If that was me my bases would blame me they blame everything on the flyers

  5. I was at a comp and I am a flyer and at the comp my team were performing
    and my friend who was a flyer finished her tumble pass and she collapsed
    cuz her lungs where hurting and we couldn’t finish but we came second and I
    broke my angle and had to go and when we had to stop everyone started

    We are proud of you
    We are proud of you

    And it was really kind


  6. Armanii Saahd-Tann

    OMG. They should’ve used SPRING FLOORS and not those mats that are usually
    for warm-ups and practice…I hope she’s okay though

  7. I’m sorry, but there is no reason she should have hit the floor. I was a
    flyer, but my squad was taught that, no matter what, you NEVER let your
    flyer touch the floor. You dive to catch her, and these girls really didn’t
    try all that hard. If a foot so much as hit the floor (when it’s not
    supposed to) our coach made us run a mile, and do 100 push ups. Let me tell
    you, I never hit the floor after that. This poor girl, you can see how hurt
    she is.

  8. “okay I’m gonna stop”

  9. That girl on the top left (with her hands on her head) reaction is just
    I could hear her thinking through the screen,
    “Damn it, I’ve worked too hard for this. Why does she have to go ahead and
    ruin it! My future is RUINED!!!! ”

  10. Some teams aren’t allowed to have front spots. Mine isn’t. I don’t think
    the group needed a front spot, the flyer dropped her chest. It’s still the
    bases job to catch her though! All of them are in the wrong. I think the
    whole group should be accountable, and it’s not always the flyers fault,
    but in this case it was!

  11. dang 

  12. It was the bases and the flyers fault. The bases ovbi did not catch her
    which is terrible. But the flyer was leaning forward a whole lot which
    caused her to fall all the way over. The bases did try to catch her, you
    can tell. But like i tell my flyer i may not be able to catch everything if
    you go across the floor, you can control yourself.

  13. And it actually hurts if you fall from a stunt because I do that sometimes

  14. OMG! Is the girl ok? Looks like she has a concussion..

  15. When she was falling they should have LET GO of her foot and caught her top
    area. Have the eagles ever heard of the term ‘ NEVER let your flier hit the
    ground, better a base than a flier’???? 

  16. Emilio De Los Santos

    as a Medical Care Provider and Cheer Coach this is our worst nightmare
    sadly they didn’t have a front spotter and which they should have but
    didn’t also this girl you can tell is hurt from the moment she gets up
    thankfully the coach or who ever that was stopped the routine 

  17. Devin James Karberg

    I’m an all star gym owner and my personal belief is if you need a front
    spot you shouldn’t be in the air. Accidents happen however if you can’t hit
    without a front spot I’ll pull your stunt rather that lose points for
    having a front spot.

  18. These kind of things make me really mad. When a flyer hits the ground. I’m
    a flyer and I fell and hyper extended my elbow and I cried as I finished
    the whole routine and I also fell on my back once like the girl in the
    video so please catch your flyer it’s important. 

  19. If she can walk, she’s fine. If it was really that bad, she wouldn’t be
    able to move. 

  20. Oh no

  21. Horrible video quality. And also was she ok??? What was wrong with her??

  22. not just the bases or the flyer so stop blaming 

  23. I was there for that. They went on a few before us

  24. She must’ve got a concussion cause she couldn’t walk straight to her next
    spot but the coach over reacted for her sake and worried the girl even more
    which made her think she really thinks she’s injured