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Cheerleading Stunts & Accessories : How to Perform a Cheerleading Pyramid

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  1. Ummm… Sorry, but u should practice your scorpion

  2. H-o-r-r-i-b-l-e scorpion! :S

  3. You dont dive down into a full down, you”ll kill your base and back spot
    doing that.

  4. im not a cheerleader yet socan you try to do easer moves plzz cuz im really
    fexible but im so young and inexpeirenced so can u help

  5. Where are the spirit fingers?

  6. u cant show ppl how 2 do a pyrapid without more ppl dummass

  7. her heel stretch is fine~!

  8. i agree

  9. she did a HORRID scorpion and with the wrong leg >:P

  10. I think She didn’t want 2 do it all the way OR she can’t do it

  11. @ambersocialbutterfly that doesn’t mean it’s right :)

  12. spacemanspiffcumshot

    does your sexy scorpion move hurt? because its killing me! lol…my little
    ventrilloquist doll bob wants to hump himself like crazy against your

  13. Look I’m sorry but ur scorp is jank

  14. ambersocialbutterfly

    @SilverstreamXOX it doesnt have to be

  15. cool

  16. ambersocialbutterfly

    @SilverstreamXOX so what?? thats how my entire team does it!

  17. you need to square your hips in your heelstretch, your foot shold be more
    in the front than at the side. what team are you on? is it varsity,
    football cheer or all-star (competitive)?

  18. spacemanspiffcumshot

    lucy…can I spray with my super-soaker-squirt-pump rifle full of hot
    milk…you little sexy temptress… jailbait piece of yummy candy!

  19. Ummm not the best scorpion

  20. Not to be rude but that was just a sloppy Scorpion

  21. Not that good of a scorpion but it was okay

  22. omg horibble scorpion!!! she grabbed the inside instead of outside of her
    leg on her healstrecfh and her liberty SUCKED!

  23. the scorpian was HORRIFIC!!!!!!!

  24. the scorpion is..bad but at least she tries :}

  25. FranklinCounty pwCHEERLEADING