Home » Cheerleading Competitions » 2012 Commerce Cheer Tiger Classic MIddle School Cheerleading Competition

2012 Commerce Cheer Tiger Classic MIddle School Cheerleading Competition

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  1. They’re way too sloppy.

  2. It looked like the last team had more skills than the rest of the teams.

  3. Personally I think the last group 4th group was the best

  4. The first group messed up 2 times

  5. basket tosses are prohibited in middle school…..

  6. The 3rd one was the worst one though.and they got placed. Smh

  7. Justine Guerrero everyone makes mistakes even just so don’t be a hater on

  8. Omg i have good eye. I thought the 2nd one was best and they one! Was it
    the 3rd one that the flier on the far left kept falling? But i love how the
    base caught her.

  9. Georgia Im cheering for Jefferson this season…

  10. Every team, a flyer has to fall


  12. Every group have a mistake

  13. Georgia

  14. ilove1Directioner220

    if I was that little girl that they cet dropping (no hate or offence) I
    would be scared to get back up lol

  15. That guy doubled? That’s illegal for middle school

  16. The girls are tired 😛

  17. Commerce* middle school! Lol.

  18. heyheyheywhatsthis

    what state is this all at?

  19. The first squad had stupid mistakes and their choreography was dumb also
    the music.

  20. I bet they had a talk with the coaches! Lol. Nice job

  21. Good jods all of the teams

  22. Way better then my middle school cheer team. Im jeaulous but we dont suck

  23. No offense but the first team was pretty sloppy.. :/