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Honey Boo Boo Shows Jimmy Her Cheerleading Moves

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  1. I hate the honey boo boo show and think they’re stupid but this was kinda

  2. I’ve lost a lil respect for jimmy after watching this.

  3. Why are people fascinated with a little girl who is ugly, fat & obnoxious
    and clearly white trailer trash? This is NO Shirley Temple. I guess being
    fat, ugly and classless is the new America? Kim K is the rich trailer

  4. so THIS is what american kids are like?…hmmm k

  5. Why is everyone being so rude? She is EIGHT. She is not “retarded” or
    “inbred” and being Southern is not a crime, and it certainly doesn’t mean
    her parents are siblings. Are they overweight because they have an
    unhealthy lifestyle? Yes. Are they the only overweight Americans? No.
    Childhood obesity is a MAJOR problem in the US, and instead of making fun
    of them, maybe we should try to help stop the problem! You can’t just say
    “Merica”, we’re so dumb and fat look at us. Making fun of them doesn’t
    solve anything. 

  6. In America you can be famous for being fat. 

  7. Is she handicapped 

  8. Damn, look at how fat her arms are, that lady should be put away for not
    only what she’s done to her child, but it seems to me like her eating
    habits will kill her. If she has THAT much money to where she can stuff her
    gullet causing her to become so obese that I’m sure she needs a custom
    toilet seat, that money should be forcebly taken from her and she should be
    put away and given help with her insanity.

  9. Honey boo boo represents the American children of today haha 

  10. Hey Jimmy! I hate to say it…but being a co-conspirator in exploiting this
    obese child
    is NOT FUNNY. Not ever!

  11. why is everyone so mean to them. they’re literally just living their lives 

  12. im not from america but i heard that this show is on THE LEARNING CHANNEL?

  13. I feel sorry for that girl…she’s a train wreck.

  14. Say what you want about this family, but they are good people. All of the
    people on here saying they are just like the Kardashians are WRONG. The Ks
    exploit there young and will do anything for a front cover on a magazine,
    whereas this family have made a lot of money, but it is all put in to her
    children’s future. they could probably afford to live the hills by now, but
    they don’t. And i bet if anyone on here were offered a reality show about
    their lives, all of you would take it, stop being jealous. yes they’re
    overweight but that’s their problem. not yours, stupid youtube trolls.

  15. Wtf is honey boo boo, from Australia btw

  16. Only in America! Why is it that we can’t find this type of entertainment
    anywhere else in the world?

  17. That moment in you’re life when you find your self up at 12 in the morning
    eating a sandwich in your parents house , while watching Jimmy Fallon try
    to talk to a 8 year old retired pageant queen. 

  18. I usually like to watch these videos while I enjoy my breakfast. Looks like
    i’m gonna have to skip on that one for today. 

  19. Jamie Lawrence Brown

    Honey Boo Boo’s mom is HOT

  20. Why are there so many dislikers?

  21. the shiver i got when i think about the embarrassment this little girl will
    have when she grow up and see her show.. i mean i did my share of
    embarrassing thing i did when i was a child, but it’s nothing compare to

  22. Honey Boo boo ? It’s a human shame. Whe HAVE to cut their head off. It’s
    important. Put the world on rails, please, and kill every fat people in the

  23. LOL Did anyone else think of Chris Farley when they seen Honey Boo Boo

  24. What is that….

  25. disgusting how parents let a child get so obese.