Home » Cheers & Yells » Cheers » Clements Cheerleading 2009 tryout CHEER

Clements Cheerleading 2009 tryout CHEER

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  1. video22cheerleader

    ok the brunette creeps me out from how tiny she looks and then her muscles

  2. what do they say after “perfection”?

  3. stacytheblondyyy

    @onyxgoth11 they made the team they were just showing what it was probably

  4. now show your bobs!!!

  5. @pinkcamel0404 teamwork and sucess chs a step above the rest rangers.

  6. i did a cheer my first year of trying out back in 2007. It said Excellence,
    perfection, team work, success, lhs a step above the rest…

  7. Some dude person below idk how thdre school does tryouts but ares is the
    sn. Who have cheered all there highschool years get tje team inztantly and
    thdy teach cheets and dance in uniforms

  8. Omg.. I tried out to this.. My cheer coach so copywriter this.. :O

  9. blondcheerchicks101

    that is a really cute and fun dance! Good job girls! 😉

  10. @raenae99 well your coaches taught you wrong. ask any cheerleader; not
    dancer; all we hear all the time is: HIT HIT HIT HIT, TIGHTEN UP YOUR
    MOTIONS! no joke.

  11. To all who have commented who claim we “stole” your schools cheer…? -we
    did not. I sat in my 7th period cheerleading class my senior year of high
    school and took a bunch of different words from old cheers we had used at
    my school (which is what is required at our school for a tryout cheer). -we
    are in uniforms because it’s a video we posted to help the girls practice
    who were trying out for the coming year. so that means we weren’t trying
    out, because we ran the clinic and tryout process.

  12. cheerdancelove16

    wow, the dance and cheer that you guys do were the exact same for our
    tryouts in 2009. haha! Great Job Girlys!!! :) Very tight and clean! 😀

  13. every coach tells you to tighten your motions.. EVERY single one. lol at my
    school, that’s the major category for them at tryouts because nobody wants
    a sloppy cheerleader. pun intended. lol

  14. @pinkcamel0404 teamwork

  15. @SuperPeaceLoveCheer we get ours from varsity.com (: they have long
    sleeves, a short skirt, and are COVERED in sequins for around $350. they’re
    really cute. (:

  16. this was goo u stuck together its ok if u mess up thats apart o life

  17. I swear at the end they said “READ”! xD

  18. The brunette has big muscles O_o

  19. xxmissyxkicksxcarsxx

    i like this one i seen the other cheer try outs from 08 and it look way
    more difficult u girls did a great job

  20. ur alright the cheer is really boring

  21. stacytheblondyyy

    @PaigeChat lots of schools use the same cheer oh well ur one of them

  22. @FreedomWriter3 Mine are $400… >.> a year.

  23. Don’t they have the same uniforms as last year??? At our school, we get new
    ones every year. :\

  24. good

  25. @JRPxo8 its true im on cheer extreme allstars. u have to be really stiff.