Cheer camp…

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  1. If any one knows anybody in SMOED get in touch!! I would kill to be in that

  2. Wow i can do this too i am 10 and i can do it

  3. Dijanae Villarreal

    Is that scary♡♥

  4. OMG!! They need to put Lauren back in the air Chimi isn’t ready to be a
    flyer yet!! But Gabi is AMAZE-ING!!!!!!

  5. That cartwheel thing out of the stunt looks scary

  6. is it just me or is it that all members on Smoed have Nfinity Vengeance

  7. Chimi is so inconsistent. They need to put lauren back in the air.

  8. CassidythePrincess

    Was Lauren at camp? If so, which stunt group is she in?

  9. Yea

  10. wow!!

  11. Selena Marie is my love:)


  12. I nearly died when I saw Gabi doing that thing at the start!! so amazing
    well done Gabi, nice job :*

  13. I think that gabi is so flexible

  14. You guys are so coordinated and together. My team acts like they don’t even
    care. I wish I was on a team like Smoed :)

  15. OMG, that was sooooo good, I am saving up s that when I turn 16 I can be
    with you!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Prodigy allstars channel

    That was cool:)

  17. I wish they still had that pyramid because it’s amazing!

  18. I’m actually happy they changed the pyramid, but still this is amazing!

  19. It wont freaking load 

  20. Who are the 5 flyers? I know there’s madi, jenee, gabi, and chimmy, but who
    is the fifth? Is it lauren? it doesn’t really look like her…anyone know?

  21. Wow

  22. U r amazing it must be scary coming down from the death drop

  23. Ugh these are such good sections, but they changed so much. :((