Home » Cheers & Yells » Cheerleading Yells » lulu yells, “i love YOU!”

lulu yells, “i love YOU!”

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  1. Dulce Martinez



  3. janet d'oliveira

    i know! i watch it all the time! i love it! :) thanks!

  4. Angela Noullet

    lulu is just the sweetest baby, I am also pregnant and I am also having a
    boy and boys are just trouble but I am excited :)

  5. Aww, she’s a sweetie!!

  6. janet d'oliveira

    lol…what’s really cute is when i’m in the next room and we yell it back
    and forth. i love it! :)

  7. Aw precious!

  8. janet d'oliveira

    awwww, thank you! :)

  9. Dulce Martinez

    Too cute!$

  10. my future child better do that.

  11. janet d'oliveira

    thanks! she’s the best! :)

  12. janet d'oliveira

    lol…lulu tends to have that effect! :) but waaaaaait…just don’t wait
    ’til you’re 40! :)

  13. janet d'oliveira

    i’m so glad!!!!! :)

  14. this makes me want a baby, even though im only 21 =)

  15. This is adorable! You guys are going to look back on this video in a few
    years and be so glad that you captured it on film :)

  16. Jennifer Decker

    So sweet! :)

  17. so darling!

  18. How sweet is this!! She is adorable

  19. susannablondie

    SO made me smile! Thank you!