Home » Cheerleader Fitnes » Cheerleader Conditioning » Cheer Extreme Tryouts THE DANCE 2013

Cheer Extreme Tryouts THE DANCE 2013

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  1. can i borrow a sound track for this dance and use the choreography for my
    cheer group

  2. where can i get the music for this dance?

  3. +javier C
    No i dnt think you don’t because on Smoed theres a male couch and hes
    not gay

  4. Could you guys post this years dance?

  5. 😀

  6. Courtney Smith-Pope (coach) told the girls of senior elite that if they
    were to win worlds, she would buy the mats from worlds. Senior Elite won so
    Courtney bought the floor.

  7. Ahw thank you for uploading this!

  8. Kristin Lafontaine

    YESS!!! 😀 Courtney bought it after they won!

  9. And I have nothing against gay people just saying

  10. still cant belive they bought the worlds mat

  11. That little girl on the side in the sparkling outfit can work it!!!!

  12. naww the black girl in the front is fierce

  13. you mean from smoed

  14. monstercupcake12547

    i messed up in the pink bow and green striped shirt 4:16

  15. good luck!

  16. done i finally learned it!!!!

  17. Push it by salt n pepa (that hiw u spell it for real)

  18. I use to cheer with MK and she always did poses like that not a shy girl
    lol but that was at the Salem gym

  19. so what?

  20. yea uhh no how bout i just skip to the end to see the results. lol

  21. Name of the song please

  22. Yay! followed along and got the routine :)

  23. Thank you