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Cheerleading Competitions!

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  1. KatieMcLaughlinCheer

    @CheerGalPride no haha the short sleeve outfit is just our practice

  2. what team does she cheer for

  3. i love your videos

  4. @KatieMcLaughlinCheer lol it’s so cool cuz you totally prove females can be
    pretty and feminine and have muscles and be strong!!

  5. @littlemadimonster No kidding! I had no idea a cheerleader could be that
    muscular! Awesome arms!!!

  6. your sooo pretty.

  7. Wow I love you you’re soo pretty!!

  8. KatieMcLaughlinCheer

    @wibblegirl AZ Power, thank you!!

  9. KatieMcLaughlinCheer

    @littlemadimonster I was hoping no one would notice that hahah its so

  10. KatieMcLaughlinCheer

    @ielise978 yes, it is! :)

  11. KatieMcLaughlinCheer

    @myworldash yep :)

  12. you r so beutiful!! i wish i was as good at cheer as you, im on my school
    cheer team, but i will never be good enough for compitition cheer, well not
    as good as you, you are VERY talented!!

  13. I love the song u use can u make a video about cheer like how to do stuff i
    know lots iv been in cheer for almost 6 years know but i want to see wat u
    do in cheer it mite be diffrent then wat i do and pls subcribe me thx

  14. Thats Haylee lol

  15. I plan on going back into cheer leading I was in it for 81/2 years then I
    guess I quit but I plan on doing it again soon hopefully :) I do
    competitive cheer and hopefully we see your team in Florida soon :)

  16. ur uniform is super cute

  17. Jennifer Yasinski

    1:22 haha cute

  18. dam girl u are fine

  19. How many competitions does your team go to during a season? Like every
    weekend? It would be great if you could answer my question!:)

  20. 1:12 flexing biceps….SEXY

  21. is amber your best friend

  22. KatieMcLaughlinCheer

    @MOUNTAINOUS i’m five foot 3 and a half so you are pretty much right! :)
    and thank you!

  23. heyy katie add me to ur twitter in facebook my name is the same for both
    khanadia payne.

  24. Are u an all star?

  25. Can you do more cheer stunt tutorials