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Cheerleaders Ep. 27 – San Diego Finals Pt. 2

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  1. “I have to tinkle!!”

  2. notenoughsparkle

    I want to hug the wall

  3. I breathe for Robert 

  4. I am so done with the subway ad 

  5. I have to tinkle

  6. “i have to tinkle”

  7. 5:15 “Yup, I threw up again. Never fails.”

  8. I’m a thousandare

  9. I feel like Eddie and Orby would make a really cute gay couple…. is that
    just me?

  10. Omg I love Robert he is so funny but I hate kassity

  11. Gabi : I Wanna hug the wall . <3

  12. I wish this show and dancers off the floor was a real show on tv!!!

  13. Robby: I have to tinklllle

  14. Robby: I have to tinklllllle

  15. maddy sounds like makeupbymandy24

  16. I was practically crying when some bobbles came around last ep :$

  17. Michaleddie’s throwing up again, which is good…

  18. I’m re-watching every season!

  19. gabi: i wanna hug the wall

  20. Michaleddie’s throwing up again, which is good…

  21. Shaina Mae Francisco

    2:35 “I have to tinkle” awee

  22. I love jenee sooo much 

  23. prettyforever888

    Their tucks and layouts are so high…

  24. ☺ j

  25. Eddie actually loves them so much it makes me go all fuzzy inside <3