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superman!! cheer stunt

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  1. FOCUS!! Don’t be laughing and talking. If your flyer falls u wouldn’t catch

  2. Maggie Williamson

    Just like the other videos they are simple and they can’t be laughing if
    they are goofing off someone can get hurt 

  3. Maggie Williamson

    yjey almost just a little had mutates but mostly the video is bad

  4. No one should be laughing in a stunt. You should be focused on doing it and
    hitting it. Not laughing at something else. That’s how people get hurt.

  5. My coach always says, ” We’re doing a stunt. Don’t talk. At all. ” She’s
    real strict about it.
    I loved the stunt, but I think you should’ve been careful. I’m not saying
    this to be rude… but someone could break an arm.

  6. Jacquelyn Jenkins

    Stop talking and laughing that’s not ok someone could get really hurt with
    you all talking and not paying attention 

  7. Sloppy.. And no one in the stunt should be talking, other than the back.
    Don’t scream and yell if you do something right. Your flyer is still in the
    air, and may freak them out. I am a cheerleader at my school, and this is
    something our coaches tell us everyday… Focus on the flyer, nothing else.

  8. its was sloppy but i think you guys did a good job.;).

  9. RachelPaige Keomanivong

    That was good :) 

  10. Very sloppy. And my eardrums Burt

  11. Worst stunt ever it was sloppy!!!! Hmmm and they call them selfs

  12. people who say very sloppy and all the mean stuff it was there first time
    and they were proud

  13. That’s really dangerous goofing off laughing not being sirious when flyers
    are in the air im on all stars if are coach caught us doing that she make
    us do some conditioning take it siriousely

  14. livelovedancee21

    backs need to catch flyers ankles faster

  15. Jiiiiizasss wtf am I watching ! :'(

  16. laughing and goofing around while flyers are in the air is dangerous just

  17. we do a similar stunt ((: But we go into a one leg instead of an elevator
    but it looks nice but pleas be more careful while stunting you shouldn’t
    talk no one wants to get hurt ((:

  18. Yeah, that’s one of the first rules about stunts.

  19. First of all am I the only person that saw that HORRIBLE prep up to a half
    on the left? Lol and that cradle?! Might as well jump to the floor. Haha

  20. LiveLaughLoveCheer29

    you can NOT be talking while stunting.

  21. jessica lissaman

    you souldn’t talk while stunting its not safe

  22. yeah, when i laugh during the pyramid, it all falls and we never get to do
    full extension!

  23. You can’t talk while stunting unless your the fyler or backspot

  24. You need sososososso much more practice, come in finland 😀

  25. They really shouldn’t be talking. That’s a very dangerous thing that
    they’re are doing. You’re are supposed to be paying attention to the girls
    in the air, nothing else. You can get seriously injured performing these
    stunts. NEVER let the flyer fall either. Just saying :)