Home » Cheerleader Fitnes » Cheerleader Health » Cheer4Life™ with Meaghan Mackey, Ep. 3: How to Stay Healthy for Competitions

Cheer4Life™ with Meaghan Mackey, Ep. 3: How to Stay Healthy for Competitions

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  1. Now thats a motivational video!! GREATNESS!!

  2. make a video on safety tips on when you are stunting with your friends

  3. Can you let us know about faces flyers should make? My 10 year old makes
    the same as when she is on the floor but I saw a video that she should only
    smile or sing the song. Thanks!

  4. Amanda Vecchiarelli

    this is perfect! i am sick and i have practice tonight and a competition
    this weekend

  5. Thanks Meaghan! Love your videos. 

  6. I’m so thankful for this video I have my first dance comp Saturday and I
    haven’t been feeling well gahhh

  7. My friend got a blood disorder from a flu shot. ): Now I’m afraid to get
    it. Lol I’m a baby 

  8. first comment

  9. Ily Megahn xx

  10. omg i love u

  11. CheerChannelNetwork