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12 Minute Splits Stretch Flexibility Workout For Beginners How To Tutorial For The Splits

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  1. I am determined to get my split so I will be following this everyday and
    will update when I have accomplished this feat and for anyone wondering I
    am not remotely flexible at all. 

  2. Before streching sure to warm up,you would not have broke the muscles.And
    tnen strech.:) Of course when you do that first time is need to be a
    pain…sorry about my english Im from Serbia.:)

  3. starting now my goal is my bday (march 18) it seems like long but i will
    still be stretching when i get it. Comment if this vid helped you get your
    splits xxx

  4. Please respond, has anyone seen any progress using this video? I want to

  5. I can’t even touch my toes yet (without stretching for at least 15 mins) :(
    :( However, this video is really helping me, and I can do some of the
    exercises quite well :) Does anyone know of a stretch especially good for
    getting to touch your toes quickly?

  6. TheMakeuploverxox

    I used to be easily able to do the splits and I stopped for a couple of
    years and before this video I was probably 20 ” of the ground and after I
    was just 2 ” off so I know I can gain my flexibility pretty easily again .
    I’m pretty sure If I do this again tomorrow I would be able to do it :)
    thanks a lot

  7. Shariel Rodriguez

    Hey is there another way to do this faster? I dont care about the pain but
    i don’t want to get injure.This is really important and i need to do it
    like in one week.

  8. My goal is to get my splits by the end of this school year. With this
    video, I feel really confident because I was doing the stretches while
    watching the video and I could feel it. Not to mention all the positive
    feedback in the comments.

  9. I did it ….. I really almost did it …

  10. Seeing the splits it looks cool if you can do it but I never will.

  11. After 3 months of watching this video every single day, I can successfully
    say that I can do my left split

  12. Can anybody recommend any videos on how to do the splits I am desperate to

  13. it looks really easy but its actually really hard! 

  14. I don’t understand why this video has dislikes… It’s very helpful. smh

  15. This video is very helpful. But unlike most people, I am most flexible with
    my left side so I am really determined to get my right split all the way to
    the ground and by watching this video a couple times a week I have seen
    alot of progress. For all of the people reading this, I encourage you to
    watch this video and follow along a few times a week cause it really helps!

  16. OK, I’m sorry but Donnie is SMOKIN’ HOT!!!!!!!

  17. My daughter loves how you do the splits it really helps me a lot. My
    daughter wants you to be here gymnast teacher besides dance class. My
    daughter said bye. But it really means alot to me for you to be a good sex
    with teacher to teach my daughter how do you do it thank you so much.

  18. I love this video and I’m starting to do this every day twice and it’s
    really helping me so thank you so much

  19. im starting today but i cant do the last position im that bad :(((((

  20. Wow, I just started this today November 18. It’s really painful for me
    right now, especially my left side! I didn’t know my left side was so
    unflexible haha!!! I’m going to try to keep doing this 6/7 days of the week
    and we’ll see what happens 😀 

  21. Oh my gosh, I had absolutely no idea I am this flexible! I mean, I always
    was quite a flexible person, but always thought of a split as sth I’d never
    be able to do. I did the whole stretching for the 1st time today and… I’m
    like 7-10 cm from my both right and left split. Sooo happy, awesome

  22. A decent workout, but I must point out that the quads on ones leg is/are
    called QUADRICEPS, not Quadricep, or Quadricept, as many people call them.
    The quads are a group of 4 muscles. The same goes for Biceps, which are
    groups of 2 muscles.

  23. I’ve been getting back into flexibility again. I did gymnastics for about a
    year and a bit and stopped in 2012. I also did ballet ageees ago. I then
    was on and off interested in dance and flexibility but now I am absolutely
    determined to get my splits by January! I’m naturally fairly flexible, I
    can touch my toes, put my head to my knees and etc. but I am still get to
    complete the splits. In my middle splits I’m so far away >.< In my left splits, I'm around 6 inches away and in my right I'm 4/5. I'll be telling you guys my results, daily if I can to show you that we can all do it if we try hard enough :)

  24. i am pretty flexible, i was about 1/2 in. from doing the splits,. im going
    to watch this one more time and ill tell you if i do it! wish me luck!
    😀 +PsycheTruth 

  25. thanks to this video i can do the splits and i’m not even flexible