Home » Learn Cheerleading » Cheerleading Tips » Advanced Cheerleading; Tips & Techniques : How to Do a Standing Back Handspring

Advanced Cheerleading; Tips & Techniques : How to Do a Standing Back Handspring

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  1. Every time I do a back hand spring it looks bad and my mom would not put me
    in tumbling

  2. Cheerleading is a sport it’s ranked #1 dangerous sport in the world

  3. She sits too low. When you go that low, you lose your momentum and energy
    to do the skill. :)

  4. Why does she take steps after she lands?

  5. Her bhs is perfect

  6. back handspring are not advanced….o.o js

  7. Great backhandpring girly(:

  8. @chapitrilfo I agree, cheer leading is actually a group activity, when
    people say that it is not a sport , cheerleaders get sooo offended. If you
    think about it this way. there Are no cheerleaders in the olympics.

  9. cheer is like the second dangerous sport

  10. I would do that but I’m scared I’m going to fall

  11. omg tht really helped haha no.

  12. @xxchrissyxx74 well can you do me a favor and convey my general message to
    her? I’ll understand if you don’t want to call your friend a dumb bitch so
    feel free to substitute whatever pejorative you deem appropriate, but it
    would mean a lot to me if the dumb bitch part stayed. Also, make sure to
    relay the parts (verbatim preferably, but I won’t hold it against you if
    you paraphrase) about proper grammar and cheerleading not being a sport.
    <3<3<3 kthxbai <3<3<3

  13. @xxchrissyxx74 what the fuck are you talking about you stupid bitch I have
    nothing against cheerleading, I was stating the fact that ItsChloeDarlin is
    retarded and that though difficult, cheerleading is not a sport. Also,
    participation in something is not a requirement to be critical of it. I can
    see how a peers criticism would mean more, but a non-peer’s criticism is
    not invalid. Cheerleading ISN’T a sport, you are a dumb bitch and
    demonstrating proper grammar is never a bad thing.

  14. @competitivegymnast1 you DO realize playing dumb dosnt make you forget
    right? XDDD OMG why am i wasting time here, i h8 u!!! T-T”

  15. Ive been a cheerleader since i was in 3rd grade now im in 7th but yeah i
    think cheering is a bit of a challenge for some pplz but its like
    exercising and having fun at the same exact time so if you are one of those
    pplz that think cheerleading is not a sport you WRONG and if you dont
    believe me theres alot more cheerleaders and non cheerleaders that say its
    a sport so……… Maybe you think a little more before sayin its not a
    sport and goes for just about anything! Alexia, a cheering leader!!

  16. I think i could do this, and i can do a front handspring, but i’m REALLY
    scared i’m going to fall on my back… can you learn to do this by yourself
    or do you have to have your instructor with you? also do you have to have
    like really strong arms???

  17. JeffersonDinedAlone

    @hottyhood It’s all silly bullshit that doesn’t matter anyway. You’ll learn.

  18. Man I cannot wait till I can do this >:D PS: Her shoes are big 😮

  19. excuse me im a level platnum gymnast about to be level 7 and we yell to
    cheer our team mates like crazy gymnastics is definetley a time consuming
    sport i go15 hours a week cheerleeding is a sport but gymnastics takes time
    effort skill strength and flexibility

  20. I will only do them if I have a spring board and a spotter lol

  21. that did not help me for shit

  22. They are not the same… Do you see a balance beam in the middle of a
    spring floor at a Cheer compotition?

  23. The Olympics doesn’t have every sport

  24. ya standing backhandspring——– not that hard

  25. @xxchrissyxx74 k?